About brand

Blackfin’s history began in 1971 in Agordo, a beautiful Italian mountain town.

The greatest source of inspiration is the beauty of the Dolomites that surround the city. Even though the owners of Blackfin follow the latest trends, they never want to lose touch with their roots. To do so would betray myself and my idea of what Made-in-Italy really means.

The advantage of Blacfkin is – “Neomadeinitaly”- that is, all the production processes are in one state and even city, of which the owners of the brand are justifiably proud. There are a large number of Italian companies, but only a small number of them have their entire production process in Italy.

This new concept takes care not only of the production of the product itself, but also of the people who make the product, paying the deepest homage to Italian excellence. The concept of neomadeinitaly also embodies an innovative way of thinking and working. It’s an approach born out of passion, commitment, respect, and care for employees and their work environment.

BLACKFIN frames are manufactured in 53 production steps – from sketch to prototype. Each BLACKFIN flange is designed and manufactured directly in Italy. It’s a direct and strategic choice to be able to manage all production stages, produce in real time and monitor all the care that is needed. For everyone to find out the true meaning of the word QUALITY.

You can find more information on the website:

Blackfin frames can be purchased from our sales partners